

Home Flow Management


All segments Airports Retail Stores Tourist Sites Other Flow Management

All Segments

Retail stores, airports, tourist attractions, corporations,… All of these sites all have very different requirements and needs. Foxstream solutions are highly configurable and can adapt themselves to all of these customer requirements.


"Foxstream Inc. allows our customers to make enlightened decisions. For the first time, we can advise management at Dulles based on real wait times logged at each one of our security checking lines. Not only can passengers choose themselves which is the shortest line they may want to use, but TSA personnel also now have information that allows them to react proactively to manage their resources. The team has listened to our requirements and have worked relentlessly to implement a reliable and profitable solution that brings immediate added value to the customer experience." - Christopher U. Browne Airport Manager, Washington Dulles International Airport.

Retail Stores

Retailers strive to optimize their offer by using as many statistics as they can. Number of customers, peak times, time spent in specific areas, products looked at, or trajectories within the space are data that allow retailers to improve their product offer and quality, and to increase their sales.

Tourist Sites

Amusement parks, ski resorts, tourist offices… Just like retailers, tourism service operators use more data to better serve their customers, improve their experience, and ensure greater satisfaction and loyalty.

Other Flow Management

Corporations, banks, public administrations,… Foxstream has many solutions to cater to the needs of each one of these sites to match their criteria and budgets.

San Francisco Airport

Ryman Stationery


Grand Massif

Lyon Saint Exupéry Airport


Vilnius Airport

Toulouse Blagnac Airport

Dubaï Airport

Oliver Grant

Tour Incity

Bouygues Telecom

Musée Grévin

Washington Dulles International Airport


Egyptian Financial Supervisory Authority

Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport

Phoenix Airport
