Real Time, Reliable Protection
Foxstream is dedicated to producing solutions for the detection of all types of perimeter intrusion in outdoor settings while eliminating false alarms. Our detection solutions allow operators to immediately confirm alarms using automated PUSH VIDEO.
- Advanced object classification minimizes false alarms
- Innovative solutions thanks to our close partnership with world-class R&D labs such as LIRIS and CNRS
- High performance security solutions thanks to immediate video confirmation tools
- Increased collaboration with enforcement agencies thanks to tangible evidence
How It Works

Our Product
Design and Feasibility Aid
FoxTool is a unique tool to help manage intrusion detection projects. Available at no charge, FoxTool allows Integrators and A&E Firms to quickly assess the feasibility of projects.
- Generates detection zones from a ground plan (Google Maps screenshot…)
- Indicate on these areas the part covered by the FOXSTREAM intrusion detection analysis
- Ensures the proper functioning of the analysis solution, once deployed
Why choose FoxTool?
Independent and multi-brand study tool
Can integrate your camera specifications
With FoxTool, you can:
Use 3D objects to simulate the presence of obstacles (buildings, fences, storage, vehicles …) Choose the cameras best suited to your project from our list, for optimal analysis
Export a project report to support you in sales and deployment
Feasibility Study
Help us to help you! If you’d like to have a comprehensive feasibility study for your project, please tell us as much as possible about it. We will provide you with a complete study based on our FoxTool application, indicating the number of cameras, their coverage areas, and much more information. We’ll even come out to your site, if required. Once completed, we will add a clear quotation to help you visualize clearly your project and avoid any surprises.